Recommended Labs & Functional Medicine

The Secret to Properly Testing Hormones

This month I have been interviewed for a few different summits and podcasts, all on the topic of hormone balance. One of the main questions that I was frequently asked was, in my experience, what is the best way to test hormones? As a practitioner trained in Functional medicine lab analysis, I see that there […]

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3 Ways to Optimize Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D can only be obtained from three sources:  the Sun (Ultraviolet Light), Food, and Supplements Since each person’s vitamin D is affected differently by sunlight, nutrient absorption from food and supplements, there is no one-size-fits-all-guideline. Although I will refer to vitamin D throughout this article as a vitamin, the truth is that it is […]

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What is the Root Cause of Burnout?

As a practitioner of Ancestral and Functional Medicine I have learned from many of my teachers and taught many of my clients all the standard tools of self care that technically should prevent “burn out” (aka Adrenal Fatigue, HPA Axis Dysfunction, or, if you’ve ever experienced it, “feeling like you got hit by a bus”). […]

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