How I became a “Biohacker”

Deborahlise Mota

Published on October 22, 2019 by Deborahlise Mota

I confess that I am an “ultra-learner” in everything related to medicine.  In my quest to combine the ancestral wisdom of Ayurveda with the technologically advanced modern medicine, such as Functional Medicine, I have created a conundrum in describing “what I do.”

I have watched colleagues attempt to introduce me to others, literally trip over their words, struggling to describe my speciality….she is an herbalist, well…more or a nutritionist, health coach, Ayurvedic practitioner, acupuncturist… let’s just say she practices Integrative Medicine.

So, I decided to label myself to make it easier for everyone.  I am a Biohacker! Although this term wasn’t around 30 years ago, when I started my lifelong obsession with all things health related, I do feel like it fits pretty well.

I love to say that Ayurveda was the original health hacking medicine (aka, OHHM), dating back to 5000 years ago. I was always captivated by the stories of the original Siddhis of Vedic medicine, and how they were said to have travel deep within their bodies through meditation to discover the intricate biological detail inside the human form.

Original Health Hacker Medicine.... OHHM

Just as amazing, with the advent of high powered microscopes and scientific break-throughs, we keep confirming that these wise ones were spot on, down to the cellular level.

The most amazing modern discoveries that validate this ancestral wisdom, are that of the microbiome and the epigenome. With the microbiome we finally discovered the “invisible life force” that all of ancestral medicine in centered around, and the constitutional doshas are our individualized epigenetic mutations.

I know that many famous “biohackers” in the world are focused on reversing aging and maybe even adverting death, but this is not my main focus.

My mission is actually to bridge the brilliance of our ancestors with the advancements of science. As we continue to discover that ancestral medicine has the answers we are looking for, that they are the original “biohackers,” only then we will fight to preserve this knowledge and utilize nature’s profound medicine to reconnect with our health.

Biohacking is a crazy-sounding name for something not crazy at all—the desire to be the absolute best version of ourselves. The main thing that separates a biohacker from the rest of the self-improvement world is a systems-thinking approach to our own biology.

—Dave Asprey

In effort to align with this mission, I presenting on this topic at the amazing Microbiome Medicine Conference in San Francisco on September 22nd. With the awesome feedback, I decided to create a FB group for “biohackers” in all the various fields of interest….called the Biohackers Basecamp where we can discuss topics ranging from gut health & the microbiome, to nutrition according to your genetics, to translating Ancestral Medicine into our modern medical language.   Please join us, you can apply to join through my FB business page @DeborahliseMotaLAcPhdBiohacker

Here is to your health!
xx  – Deborahlise